For those of you who have a supportive husband... THANK THE LORD!!! You are a blessed woman!
This is an issue I hear a lot about. In fact, just tonight I had a spa girl tell me that her husband wouldn't LET her go to Celebration with us. Very frustrating.
First let me say that we have had the same struggles. In fact, many times it seemed like my growing business was the source of our fighting. We would have these huge blowouts, I would cry my eyes out, and say to myself... this isn't worth it! I am just gonna quit!
What I knew? BeautiControl was not the source of our struggles. It was always something deeper, and BeautiControl was, and sometimes still is, an easy target. Your struggle may be different, but for us it usually came down to me being stressed out because I was attempting to juggle it all, do it all, and make things as easy as possible for my husband. I was unsuccessfully attempting to keep everything under control so that he couldn't say anything was undone due to my business.
I was making a shift that was difficult... the shift from perfectionist stay-at-home mom to business owner and working mom. We had many kinks to work out along the way. We still have our occasional struggle, although my increased income has helped considerably... especially since he is purchasing a new boat this week :) He is now very supportive, but it took time.
Some thoughts...
Family is many times the reason we joined BeautiControl. We join to spend more time with them or to provide for them. However, running a business from home comes with tough choices. We must pick and choose how we spend our time. For example, I have earned several trips that I did not take, turned down countless invitations, and spent many nights at home when the girls are out on the town. If you are running a consistent spa business, you may need to be more conscientious of how you spend non-spa time.
If you know you love this business, stick with it despite his negative comments or discouragement. Just as we occasionally have a bad spa party, we will have struggles at home as well. One of my favorite quotes is, "Success is largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go." Don't give up on your business or your spouse. Keep hanging on, you can work through it if you stay determined.
Men seem to do better when they know what to expect. My spouse does better when he knows that every week he is ON DUTY Thursday and Friday nights. I book spas those nights and try to avoid the weekends altogether so that we can be on the same schedule, and enjoy the same days off. Of course that doesn't always work out perfectly, but I try my best. This is a little challenging when you are a new spa girl because you really want to book ANYTIME someone is available.
Men are actually very simple beings. They love results and they love rewards! What is your husband interested in? Hunting, fishing, sports, music, sex :0 Help him realize his dreams and set goals that your collective effort can achieve. It could be a new TV, gaming system, nights out, or for my husband... a boat! I would suggest keeping a money jar for him, that you add to as you spa, so that he can see his money jar grow.
Come to an understanding with your spouse about your goals and intentions with BeautiControl. Ask for his support. For instance, "I want to be a Director and this is what it will require." Making your needs know is also helpful. "I need your support in the form of kid-care, helping me clean up the house, not making negative comments." Sometimes we don't ask for what we need because we feel guilty, because we are self-sacrificing, or because we don't want to draw attention to the fact that we can't DO IT ALL! This has been a tough one for me.
My message to the men out there who may be reading this?
Every direct selling business requires an investment. The monetary investment is minor, about $500 for everything, especially compared to starting any other business. Most businesses require a large sum of money and great risk is involved.
Consider the fact that hundreds of thousands of businesses start every year and few survive. Moreover, 200 direct selling companies start every year and only two survive. BeautiControl however, has a proven track record, 30 years of success! A debt-free company backed by Tupperware Brands, with thousands of successful spa sisters all over the US, PR, and CAN.
This is a very safe place for your wife to invest her time.
She may make an extra $50 or an extra $30,000 per month! But whatever she makes I can guarantee a few things... her confidence will increase, her circle of friends will expand, she will learn new skills, she will try new things, she will appreciate your support, and maybe even buy you a brand new boat... CASH!
Thanks to all you supportive BC husbands out there!
Lisa Hermann
Stay-at-home mom and spa sister
Yearly BeautiControl Income $140,000 per year :)
Wonderful Blog...Thanks for sharing this!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Lisa! I think this one will be printed out and left in the "reading room". LOL